Thank you, ASL interpreters and Certified Deaf Interpreters for delivering daily COVID-19 Updates.4/28/2020 A throwback to a month ago's coronavirus outbreak, Camp Sol of the Deaf, Inc come together today to thank ASL interpreters and Certified Deaf Interpreters delivering daily COVID-19 briefings. They give the deaf community crucial access to COVID-19 information.
Camp Sol of the Deaf, Inc is pleased to share with you today. Deaf New Jersey residents, including Camp Sol of the Deaf, Inc camp director Mayra Castro has appreciated Certified Deaf Interpreters and ASL interpreters for their effort and community service. They are part of every Governor's Office and Department of Heath media briefing during the COVID-19. They help ensure all deaf new jersey residents can access the important public health and safety information being shared. Good Afternoon,
Camp Sol of the Deaf wants to announce that we decided to cancel summer camp for this year. We think it is in the best of the interest of our camp and for your children's safety. Don't worry, we hope that we will host a summer camp next year, Summer 2021. We will follow the updates of the CDC for coronavirus news and keep you all posted! If you want to discuss with us about the summer camp next year, please email me below for more information. Please feel free to contact Mayra Castro or Andrew Robertson Email: [email protected] Stay safe! Be healthy. Wash hands frequently as much as you can! (The two different flyers are in the English and Spanish versions. English version flyer shows 3 "CANCEL" black and bold letters on the flyer. Spanish version flyer shows a large bold handwriting letter said "CANCELAR" and the print on the middle of the flyer said "CANCELAR") Hello Everyone! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Camp Sol of the Deaf Board Members would like to share a word with you all! Enjoy watching this video! Stay home and be safe! Be healthy! Wash hands frequently, make sure you are washing hands for at least 20 seconds, not less! Take care of yourself, it is your priority! Happy Birthday to the most amazing board member in the world! We wish you a happy birthday April and a prosperous life! Wishing you a spirited birthday! We love you.
Greetings everyone! CSD has sad news to share with you all. We decided to cancel the baseball fundraiser event this May 23rd due to the coronavirus outbreak. We think it is in the best of all interests to cancel and prevent the outbreak worsening. We encourage you all to stay home until further notice. Thank you for understanding.
(the flyer description: A large red marker "CANCEL" diagonally on the flyer. Two "Cancelled" in a big capitalized font is on the top and bottom of the flyer) We want to say a heartfelt thank you for your continued support. It is natural to worry about our safety, loved ones and well-being during the coronavirus crisis. Please stay healthy, and keep others safe. Stay home except essential needs. It also is important to practice social distancing when outside the home. |
> Big Check Presentation > Meet Our 2021 BIPOC Presenters > Join us for virtual summer camp via Zoom > A quick update from our director, Mayra! > Live & Silent Auction > PBS TV interviewed with Camp Director > Creating an unique link for 32auctions > Introducing the 2021 art auction committee > A generous supporter of Surdists United supported our camp program. > Forum: A Conversation with Summer Camp Director > A to Z ASL Storytelling: Honor Mayra Castro > Camp Director Featured on Sign1News > Virtual Interactive Camp Experience > We are currently seeking for a camp director. > Seeking new board members 2020-2022 > Happy Mother's Day > We are seeking for Sponsorship Coordinator to join our team. > Thank you to our nurses! > Happy National InterpreterAppreciation Day > Thank you, ASL interpreters and Certified Deaf Interpreters for delivering daily COVID-19 Updates. > Thank you CDI and ASL interpreters for doing the front lines of the COVID-19 Pandemic. > Summer Camp has been canceled!! > Stay Healthy, Stay Home and Be safe! > Wishing April Cheng a Happy Birthday!! > Baseball event has been cancelled. ARCHIVES
October 2021