Medical Information
Campers must keep prescription or nonprescription medicine in the Health Officer to be distributed by the Camp Sol of the Deaf Camp Health Officer as prescribed. This medicine will be turned in to the Health Officer in a Ziploc bag with camper's name on it before camper gets on the bus in Newark, New York. Please your child’s name must clearly be written on the Prescription bottle. In addition, the Health Officer will notify you if your child becomes ill while he/she are at camp. The Health Officer will discuss the details by the phone or if we have any other concerns for which we value your input.
Prescription or nonprescriptionYour child's name must clearly be written on the prescription or non-prescription medicine.
Health OfficerThe medicine is to be distributed by the Health Officer as prescribed.
PhoneThe Health officer will notify you if your child becomes ill while he/she is at camp.